The craft, skill, and dedicated passion that started it all.
It's all About the Game
Brian W. Jones started out as an Alligator Trapper here in West Palm Beach, Florida in 2005. This side job became his passion. Soon after this avid sports fisherman Brian Jones found a liking to processing alligators for local hunters. He began processing alligators for friends after they had come back from hunting. With his skillful and efficient techniques he quickly became well known for processing these alligators. From then on, he has built an over 10 year business to assist and process trophies for his diverse and trusted clients. Commitment to excellence is what Gator Pro Shops instills into their leather products. We take promise very seriously and provide the best quality for 100% customer satisfaction. The man behind it all practically does it all. From fresh caught, to the tannery, and brought from the very hands of the matchless craft-maker himself, Brian William Jones.
This website will be used for business and blogging purposes so you can get a glimpse of the processes and products Gator Pro Shops has to offer.